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Dry Eye Center in Hartsdale, NY

Individualized Dry Eye Treatments. Tailored for YOU! Dr. Arlene Schwartz provides comprehensive & effective solutions, offering customized care plans to treat even the most severe cases of dry eye. Unique solutions for everyone, anyone, and all conditions.

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What Is Dry Eye Syndrome?

At our Westchester Dry Eye Center, Dr. Arlene Schwartz has extensive experience treating all forms of Dry Eye. Dry Eye Syndrome is a term used to describe an eye condition characterized by fluctuating vision, burning, tearing, and redness of the eyes. It is a multifactorial condition that can result from two primary types: Evaporative Dry Eye (also known as Meibomian Gland Dysfunction or Disease) and Aqueous Dry Eye.

Evaporative Dry Eye occurs when the oil (lipid) layer of the tear film is insufficient, leading to rapid evaporation of tears. This can cause burning, grittiness, and fluctuating vision due to a poor-quality tear film.

Aqueous Dry Eye results from decreased tear production, leading to inadequate tear volume. Symptoms include stinging, burning, and a sensation of dryness, as the eyes struggle to stay properly lubricated.

Dry Eye is often multifactorial, meaning it can be triggered by a variety of factors, including age, hormonal changes, environmental conditions, and underlying medical conditions. Patients frequently experience a combination of both types, which can lead to inflammation and worsening of symptoms. Thankfully, with modern advancements, we offer tailored treatments that cater to every individual’s unique condition. Identifying the specific type of Dry Eye is essential for delivering customized patient care plans and achieving true relief.

Customized Patient Care Plans for Dry Eye in Hartsdale, NY
Once the type of Dry Eye is identified, there are numerous ways to address the condition. Treatment options include artificial tears, prescription eye drops, omega supplements, lid hygiene, and warm compresses. Additionally, we offer in-office procedures such as lid debridement, LipiFlow, Blephex, and IPL to help reduce inflammation and address the underlying causes. We provide unique solutions tailored to everyone, ensuring effective, individualized care for dry eye relief.

What Are Tears Made Of?

Tears are more than just fluid in the eye; they have a chemical makeup comprised of water, enzymes, proteins, metabolites, lipids, and mucins.

Tears are important because they keep your eyes well-lubricated and protect them from foreign bodies or dust particles, which can cause irritation.

When an insufficient amount of tears is produced in the tear ducts, Dry Eye Syndrome occurs.

What are tear elements and why are they important?

  • Enzymes are proteins that cause a chemical reaction inside the body
  • Proteins are molecules containing amino acids that are found in tissues in the body
  • Metabolites are small molecules that are related to metabolism
  • Lipids are molecules with an oily substance which contain healthy fats
  • Mucins are glycoproteins that helps cells stick together
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What Are Common Symptoms Of Dry Eye?

Our treatments for DES target the main underlying causes: bacteria, inflammation, and poor lid function.

It may seem ironic, but one symptom of DES is watery eyes. This occurs when the body attempts to self-soothe the dryness by producing excessive tears, a condition known as Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (KCS). The tears lack a sufficient amount of water, so although these tears may provide temporary relief, the excessiveness of the tear production isn’t healthy.

The most frequent types of Dry Eye symptoms include:

  • Blurry vision
  • Fluctuating Vision
  • Burning sensation
  • Gritty feeling
  • Itchy eyes
  • Redness
  • Stinging
  • Soreness
  • Watery eyes
Who Is at Risk for Developing Dry Eye Syndrome?

Like other diseases and eye conditions, there are some people who are more susceptible to developing DES. Age, gender, medical conditions, even the environment can contribute to sensitivity to dry eyes.

Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions can make Dry Eye more prevalent. Patients with any of the following diseases may notice signs of DES symptoms:

  • Arthritis, an inflammation of the joints
  • Blepharitis, an inflammation of the eyelid, usually caused by skin conditions such as dandruff or rosacea
  • Diabetes, a condition causing high blood glucose levels
  • Glaucoma, a disease of the optic nerve, which causes vision loss
  • Hypertension, high blood pressure in the arteries
  • Lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease that causes damage to healthy tissue
  • Thyroid Disorder, when the tissues that surround the eyes become swollen or inflamed
  • Vitamin A Deficiency, when there is an insufficient amount of Vitamin A, which normally helps protect the cornea
Environmental Factors

People who live in areas with heavy winds or with dusty or dry air may find that their eyes often feel dry. Being around smoke or hair dryers can cause the same reaction. Being in direct aim of a heater or air conditioning unit can also dry out the eyes.


Women are more prone to DES because of hormonal changes due to pregnancy, birth control, and menopause. Women over age 50 have a 50% greater risk of developing Dry Eye than men of the same age. Additionally, women tend to visit their doctor more often than men and at earlier stages of discomfort, so diagnosing the condition in women is more common.


According to the National Eye Institute, the risk of experiencing DES goes up with age. That’s because the natural tears of the eye decrease over time, which is a natural part of aging. As the patient’s tear production diminishes, signs of Dry Eye increase.

Diagnosing Dry Eye Syndrome in Westchester

Dr. Arlene Schwartz evaluates & diagnoses dry eye and meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) using a variety of techniques and modern technology.

  • Meibomian Gland Evaluation and Expression score
  • Meibography (Imaging of the Meibomian Glands)
  • Fluorescein and Vital Dye staining
  • Tear Osmolarity Testing
  • Tear Break Up Time (TBUT test)
  • Schirmer Testing
  • SPEED questionnaire
  • Corneal Topography
  • InflammaDry® - MMP-9 Tear Rapid Test

Helpful Home Treatments for Dry Eyes

If you have dry eyes and find it challenging to read, drive, watch TV or play sports, there are a number of DIY home treatments that are worthwhile to try out. In addition to Dr. Arlene Schwartz’s recommended medical dry eye treatment, you can also take action with some of the following tips:

  • Many over-the-counter remedies, such as artificial tears, can add lubrication. Be sure to check with Dr. Arlene Schwartz about the particular brand that’s right for you.*
  • Use an air filter to remove irritants from your environment
  • A humidifier will increase moisture in the air and slow the evaporation rate of your tears

  • Stay well-hydrated by drinking enough
  • Fish oil supplements may help with dry eyes
  • Sunglasses can protect your eyes from drying winds and damaging UV rays

A Note About Lubricating Eye Drops:

Moisturizing eye drops for dry eyes are widely available. This can be a particularly effective treatment for uncomplicated dry eye, such as contact lens wearers or people who work or study in an excessively dry environment. Some eye drops may be purchased without a prescription, but it’s always a good idea to consult with Dr. Arlene Schwartz before using any eye medication – even over-the-counter eye drops – because there are formulas that are known to cause irritation.

Need Treatment from a Westchester Dry Eye Specialist?

Our dry eye specialist, Dr. Arlene Schwartz, will develop a customized treatment plan for each patient, depending on the severity and likely causes of the dry eye symptoms.

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Medications and Dry Eye

All medications include warnings of possible side effects which some patients may experience. There are certain categories of medications that are known to decrease natural tear production, such as:

  • Antidepressants
  • Antihistamines
  • Anxiety medications
  • Birth control pills
  • Blood pressure medication
  • Decongestants

If you are taking any of these medications and feeling any signs of Dry Eye, speak with Dr. Arlene Schwartz about some alternative medications or treatments to alleviate your symptoms

Short-Term Effects of Dry Eye Syndrome

Many symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome last for the short term, meaning, they can fade with proper treatment or sometimes, on their own. Blurry vision, itchy or red eyes, and stinging can be treated effectively and perhaps eventually disappear.

Long-Term Effects of Dry Eye Syndrome

Some symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome have long-term effects, which means that they can last for months or even years. These may include:

  • Corneal abrasions or ulcers
  • Long-term inflammation
  • Vision impairment

Corneal abrasions can become serious if left untreated. They often heal on their own, but in more severe cases, prescription creams or bandage contact lenses may be needed for more efficient treatment. In cases of vision impairment from Dry Eye Syndrome, we can help.

These long-term effects of Dry Eye can negatively impact your life. Sensitivity to light and difficulty driving are 2 primary examples of everyday tasks that can become restricted with severe Dry Eye Syndrome. This leads to a lower quality of life.

If you suffer from Dry Eye and are ready for a solution to your painful symptoms, contact Hartsdale Family Eyecare today. We are here to help you experience better vision today.


Dry Eye Technology

BlephEx Treatment for Blepharitis

BlephexBlepharitis is an overgrowth of bacteria along the eyelashes that can permeate eyelid tissue, cause inflammation and damage your tear ducts. Chronic dry eye and all of the associated irritations often develop. As eyelids are typically difficult to clean, the bacteria overgrowth may accumulate over years – to the point where significant damage is caused.

BlephEx, the only clinician treatment customized to target blepharitis, can help prevent dry eyes by cleaning your eyelids.

With BlephEx, dry eye symptoms are alleviated almost immediately. Our optometrist, Dr. Schwartz, will use a specialized handpiece with a micro-sponge to precisely clean along the edge of your eyelashes. Essentially, this 6-8 minute procedure exfoliates your eyelids, and numbing eye drops are inserted first so BlephEx is painless.

For best results, we generally recommend that you repeat the procedure every 4-6 months in our Hartsdale optometry clinic.


Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL)

IPL 300Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy, which has been traditionally used as a cosmetic procedure for treating facial skin conditions, effectively treats chronic dry eye and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). In fact, IPL Therapy is among the more groundbreaking treatments for dry eye.

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy is a painless method that delivers pulses of light to liquefy and release oils that have hardened and clogged the meibomian glands in the eyelids. IPL also reduces eyelid redness and stimulates healthy gland function.

Dr. Arlene Schwartz will begin your IPL treatment by placing shields over your eyes to protect them from the light pulses. Following that, a thin layer of cooling gel will be applied to the treatment area and a small device will administer the pulses of light to the region around the eyelids. The pulses of light heat the skin around the eye and dislodge the oil buildup.

After administering IPL, Dr. Arlene Schwartz will express oil from the glands, which will restore normal oil flow in the tear film. Though patients usually notice improvement in dry eye symptoms following their first or second treatment, it is generally recommended they undergo an initial series of four IPL treatments, performed monthly over a period of four months. This ensures long-term success in treating both chronic dry eye syndrome and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction.

Depending on the severity of their dry eye condition, certain patients may require occasional maintenance treatments following the initial series of IPL treatments. It is not unusual to combine IPL treatments with other dry eye therapies in order to optimize effectiveness and promote healing.

LipiFlow: Dry Eye Treatment

LipiFlow treatmentLipiFlow, by Johnson & Johnson Vision, is a Thermal Pulsation System that improves the function of meibomian glands. FDA-approved, safe and totally drug-free, it consists of a console and a single-use sterile Activator tool. Through gentle massage and heat, LipiFlow can enhance the quality of meibomian gland secretions. Eye doctors around the world are equipping their eye care clinics with this breakthrough technology to treat dry eye.

How does LipiFlow work?

Your eye doctor will begin by inserting numbing eye drops to ensure patient comfort. LipiFlow’s contoured eyepiece will then be placed gently over your cornea, vaulting over your eye’s surface in order to protect the delicate ocular structure. LipiFlow applies therapeutic heat and peristaltic energy pressure, with numerous sensors that regulate the temperature and pressure pulses. The combination of massage and heat works to expel any meibomian gland obstructions. The entire in-office procedure takes about 12 minutes.

TearCare® Dry Eye Treatment

TearCareTearCare® is the blink-assisted device that applies heat to the eyelids in applications such as Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), Dry Eye, or Blepharitis where the current medical community would recommend the application of a warm compress.

The TearCare System is one of the latest treatments on the market that offers relief to those with Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, Dry Eyes, and Blepharitis, and at the Allisonville Eye Care Center, we’re proud to have it in our arsenal of advanced treatments for dry eye syndrome.

Contact our optometrists to get the relief you’ve been searching for with this proven TearCare system.

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Other Treatments for Dry Eye

There are other treatments available for Dry Eye Syndrome. Give us a call to find out more about:

  • Scleral Lenses - These lenses have a small amount of liquid solution between them and the eye, providing moisture and relief. Many dry eye sufferers can wear these lenses for up to 14 hours!
  • Lid Hygiene or Hypochlorous spray - This spray solution is designed for the removal of foreign material including microorganisms and debris on and around the eyelid margins that may be associated with Blepharitis, Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), and Dry Eye Syndrome.
  • Prescription Medications - Prescription eye drops that can fight eyelid infections, and can facilitate the correct functioning of the oil glands.
  • Warm Compresses - Our tears are made up of water and oil layers. Dry eye occurs when the eyelids’ meibomian glands do not secrete enough natural oil into the tears. This causes the eyes to become dry, itchy, red, and painful. Environmental conditions like dry or windy air, and staring at a screen or book for a long time, can also dry out your eyes.